Community Center

Rock of Hope Community Center [Sila Heng Kwan Wang]

In September/ October 2014, we project the commencement of our first community center – Sila Heng Kwan Wang (Rock of Hope Center). This center will be situated in an overly populated migrant community where many children do not attend school. These children lack many of the basic needs of life and suffer from malnutrition, are unable to read or write and live under the poverty line.

What began as a base line project survey has grown into what we call our Wednesday School Program.  

This started in July 2013 with between 25-30 kids each week. The program consists of learning basic literacy, numeracy, and life skills/values through Biblical teaching. This is done in partnership with our local community church leader and social worker.

This year with so many changes in the community we have had a lot less children. Many families needed to return to their home country to apply for passports and Thai visa’s as there had been a crackdown on illegal immigrants in the area. The families have been gradually returning.

The community church leader has been continuing increasing the children’s numeracy and literacy. For the Bible study, this year’s topics have included: Creation, Sin/ the fall, Trusting God in the midst of difficult situations, Biblical timeline from Creation to Jesus, Jesus Heals.


Ark Community Center video from Ark International on Vimeo.

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